AdSense Approval!
Woo! Should be a day or two to get crawled by Google (sounds kinky) and then the ads should start being 'relevent' to the site. Lets see how that goes. Anyway, HERE COMES THE MONEY!
tastes like internet
Woo! Should be a day or two to get crawled by Google (sounds kinky) and then the ads should start being 'relevent' to the site. Lets see how that goes. Anyway, HERE COMES THE MONEY!
Posted by
Dr. Face
3:43 PM
Carcassonne, looks so much fun. I did not get this for Christmas, so I may just have to go buy it myself. Reading Penny-Arcade also gave me some ideas of other games to get check out today's post. Hopefully Carcassonne is decently fun for 2 as Emily is the only person I play games with regularily. Maybe this weekend I will hit the boardgame store on KK by me.
Altered the header and added our logo to the page. I am liking what I see so this will likely be it for awhile. Just going to get back into blog mode and post a lot. Get some pictures going too. wurd
Seems I need to create a post to create a label (odd I know) so here is my first "geek" post. Rather then make it completely hollow and worthless I would mention that I can see on the horizon a day when I will join the masses of mac-o-philes. (Those who fondle Mac's.) My wife insisted we have a bed and kitchen table first, and soon those commitments will be fullfilled. I am hoping for a MacBook Pro, though it depends on how many monies I have by then. If not, I will be just as happy with a normal MacBook.
Part of what I want to get out of this blog is to use it for composition. I will be posting story snippets, scenes and what not here. It will be labeled "Story" and may be skipped by the masses as needed. The ultimate goal is to create a running narrative for an idea I've been thinking about for awhile. We shall see.
Looking to get AdSense going with Google. I encourage everyone who stops by to click on the ads that interest you as it helps keep me clothed. Still setting up the account with Google so the ads are all pro-bono, but why not click it anyway?
It is inevitable that there must be a "first post". If there must, then I say let it be this one. A word of warning, dear reader(s), this site's format, template, colors, purpose, content, and moral compass are in flux. Do not attempt to attach logic to anything done here as I decide what I want to do with this whole web thing. If nothing else you can assume it will have a sufficient amount of "geek" flavor. If you enjoy the taste of such a dish you could find this webspace to be, in fact if not in theory, delicious. To end this on a high note, lets try a C sharp.